Heart Crossword
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3. Carries substances around body 4. Valve separating left atrium and ventricle 7. A type of muscle in the heart 8. A valve in the left side of the heart 9. Main vein (takes deoxygenated blood fom body to heart) 10. Side of the heart containing deoxygenated blood 12. Side of the heart containing oxygenated blood 13. Membrane surrounding the heart 18. Measured in mmHg 19. (and 24 Across) Blood vessel carrying blood from heart to lungs 20. Structure near the middle of the heart which transmits impulses 23. Lower chamber of heart 24. See 19 Across 25. Valve in the right side of the heart 26. Contraction of heart 27. Relaxation of heart
1. Bundle of ____: carries electrical impulses in the heart 2. Main artery (takes blood from left side of heart to the body) 5. _________ vessels supply blood to heart tissue 6. Upper chamber of heart 11. Dividing wall between left and right side of heart 14. ____________ blood is carried in veins to the right side of the heart 15. Blood is pumped by this organ 16. Smallest blood vessel 17. Prevents back-flow of blood 21. Carries blood towards heart 22. Gas transported by blood to body cells